528 Science, Math & Music
528 Science, Math & Music Prompts Debate: Discussion Concerns “Standard Tuning” vs. “LOVE Tuning”
The world will never be the same with after integrating 528 science, math, and music made in the frequency of pure LOVE.
The first science book was written by Aristotle titled Physics. The name sourced from the Greek word Philos, meaning “LOVE.”
This web page is for advanced learners, scientists, musicologists and technically curious musicians. Dr. Leonard Horowitz, and a mysterious correspondent, answer questions and reply to objections posed by Austrian musician, composer, Dainis Michel. Questions about 528Hz and 417Hz tuning engage the trio in a sometimes heated discussion regarding the “Perfect Circle of Sound™” discovered by Dr. Horowitz.
Dainis Michel: Dr. Horowitz, thank you for taking the time to answer some basic and even advanced questions posed by your discovery of “The Perfect Circle of Sound™” in which 417Hz and 528Hz are featured as the key “Resonance” and ” “LOVE/joy” frequencies, respectively.
Start with this basic question. What is the difference between 440Hz, the “standard tuning” that every musician typically uses, and 417Hz—what you propose is the real “A” note of nature?
This question interests musicians everywhere who are greatly in need of access to scientific information about these tones. Is there any “common sense proof” of the claims you guys are making about 528 and 417Hz? It is, after all, challenging for musicians to read your information about the “’key’ of 528Hz,” or the “tuning to 417Hz,” since most wonder if you mean the major scale, minor mode, locrian mode, dorian mode, etc. . . . What “key” are you talking about?
From a professional musicians standpoint the phrase “the key of 528” doesn’t make any sense unless you identify the type of scale you are talking about.
Now, when looking at the current piano tuning (and I reference Wikipedia:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piano_key_frequencies), we see that G#/ab are usually around 405.305. Interestingly, European tuning often places the A at 442 or even 443…Which means that when you play in Ab, you would be very very close if not exactly 417.
Dr. Horowitz: Dainis, I am not an expert in music, but let me share what I feel is the main difference between the standard A=440Hz tuning, and what we are saying is nature’s primordial, current, and eternal A tuning = 417Hz, or there abouts. It is equally likely that A=444Hz in nature, and that higher pitch tuning generates C(5)=528Hz. So I am speculating, based on the evidence we have, that “A” doesn’t equal 440Hz in nature, but either 417Hz or 444Hz, the latter being about 2/3 of a half tone higher than “standard concert tuning.”
First you must realize, and I quote from Wikipedia, from the early 18th century when pitch began to be “controlled with the use of tuning forks (invented in 1711), . . . a tuning fork associated with Handel, dating from 1740, is pitched at A = 422.5 Hz (info), while a later one from 1780 is pitched at A = 409 Hz (info), almost a semitone lower. Nonetheless, there was a tendency towards the end of the 18th century for the frequency of the A above middle C to be in the range of 400 (info) to 450 Hz (info).” So you can see that the earliest A tunings ranged from 409 to 422Hz or even much higher.
During the 1940s, after the British Standards Institute institutionalized the A=440Hz “standard tuning” in honor of arguments advanced by Josef Goebbles–the Nazi propaganda minister for the Third Reich–based on Rockefeller Foundation acoustic weapons research (at the same time they were funding “racial hygiene” called Eugenics for population control) British composer Llywellan Lloyd published complaints about this imposition, claiming A=444Hz was far superior as a “natural” frequency enabling musicians to maintain harmony during performances, rather than sliding off pitch and out of tune.
As I wrote in Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, the master composers of that era all knew about the secret sacred Solfeggio frequencies. This is the real reason Haydn’s 96th symphony was called The Miracle honoring the “MI, 528Hz, third note of the ancient Solfeggio” Miracle tone (where 5 + 2 + 8 = 15 and 1 =5 = 6; which explains how British Secret Service’s leading intelligence organization, MI 6, really derived its name.) There are now rumors Haydn’s 96th was called “The Miracle” symphony because the powerful resonance frequency vibrated a crystal chandelier so violently it dropped off the ceiling WITHOUT injuring anyone in the audience. That’s the miracle of LOVE working musically and metaphysically, at least in theory.
Dainis Michel: Dr. Horowitz, you wrote that da Vinci and his mentors knew about the 417Hz frequency that is the 2nd note of the original Solfeggio musical scale—RE (for REsonance febris in Latin and simply REsonance in English). What are your sources? Why are you saying that? Can you prove it? How do you know what da Vinci and his mentors knew?
Len Horowitz: Dainis, to prove this would require an affidavit from da Vinci. But let’s look at how much proof we need. The statement is based on published history that the Pythagorean mystery school in which Da Vinci delved heavily concentrated on musical mathematics. As I wrote and referenced in LOVE the Real Da Vinci CODE, da Vinci’s mentors taught their students to study the monocord instrument (diagrammed below) that was a single stringed circular instrument with a movable bridge. These enlightened teachers stated the 3s, 6s, 9s, and 8s, comprised a special set of numbers to which, along with the monochord music, students should diligently attend for an optimal sacred metaphysical blessing. Now we enter into the realm of miracles, and using our knowledge in science to help us explain such metaphysical phenomena.
To help explain miracles, take the number 528 and reduce it, as the mystery schoolers did, to its single digit integer: 5 + 2 + 6 = 15, and 1 + 5 = 6. Do the same for 417 which resolves to 3 when you use this Pythagorean reduction method. Each of the nine notes of the “Perfect Circle of Sound” which da Vinci encrypted in his “Vitruvian Man” cryptograph, deciphers to a 3, 6, or 9. This is not by chance. This is fundamental metaphysical musical creationism. This music is the core music of universal creation. We now have this confirmed from experts in mathematics, physics, and more.
It was Dr. Joseph Puleo who, allegedly by Divine revelation, was shown the frequencies of the original six note Solfeggio musical scale encrypted in the Book of Numbers, Chapter 7, verses 12 thru 83. 417Hz is the second “Re” note (short for “Resonance”), and 528Hz is the “Mi” note (short for “miracle”). The two together produce a miracle resonance harmonic of 3 + 6 that equals 9, signifying completion in a mathematical and metaphysical sense. The numbers themselves are symbols of this knowledge. Watch the LOVE CODE docmentary DVD. You will learn for instance that the number “9” is a symbol of completion–spiraling up from earth to rejoin the wholeness in heaven.
The “Miracle 6,” or “MI6” is the opposite. The image of the number depicts a spiraling down from, shall we say “zero point,” into manifestation during creation? This is what I mean by miraculous creation, from nothing into something.
Next, read the definitions of these six tones, especially the two notes, “Re” and “Mi” in Webster’s Dictionary. You will be astonished about the power of “Re” as it relates to the larger mechanical matrix or system of numbers forming the musical-mathematical spiraling universe.
Then there is the miraculous capacity of 528Hz, the LOVE tone. Dr. Lee Lorenzen, a world leading water scientist and nutritional biochemist taught me that 528Hz miraculously restores broken genes in DNA. It does this most logically through water resonance and cymatics. The DNA spiral simply flows with the most powerful or prominent vibration, along the path of least resistance, to be “miraculously” reunited with the other genetic segment(s), or with breaks and bends in the genes being repaired vibrationally, that is, cymatically.
Dr. David Schmidt, the scientist who pioneered LIFEWAVE resonating water patch technology informed me that 528Hz is nearly the precise center of the electromagnetic color spectrum, which is light-greenish yellow in color, that is chlorophyll. This is the center of the rainbow and your heart chakra. Chlorophyll produces oxygen from electrons stimulating magnesium at the heart of the pigment molecule. This resonates the oxygen produced in the air we breathe–that is, the prana, or in Hawaiian, the ALO-HA breath of love and life. Oriental physicians have said for millennia this energy vortex in your heart is energetically transmitting greenish-yellow light around your heart, that moves the blood filled with rejuvenating and sustaining oxygen.
Mathemetics genius Marko Rodin confirmed 528Hz as essential to the mathematical matrix and physical structure of the universe.
Now if you need more proof, simply tune to these frequencies and detect the difference yourself. You are not a fool, so why foolishly rely on my words or work. Experiment and research yourself.
When I tune my guitar to A=417Hz, or A=444Hz, which is easy to do with an inexpensive Korg adjustable chromatic tuner, and I leave my guitar plugged into a live amplifier, I often hear the guitar strings start resonating by themselves. They are picking up the general resonance of the universe, 417Hz, a primary frequency of the musical mathematical matrix upon which our universe and all sacred geometry is constructed.
For all these reasons and more, we understand 417Hz is easy for musicians and vocalists to tune to, and 528Hz is a bit harder because it puts more tension on the strings; and these are very special tunings that have the capacity to vibrate humanity in sync with nature, balance, harmony, unity, and universal integrity. This is how you establish world peace, hold optimally-effective peace concerts, and impact people maximally emotionally, in their hearts, not just their heads. This is also why we speculate DNA repair is facilitated using the 528Hz frequency.
Dainis: Now wait a minute, if “Re” is 417Hz, then C or Do is 528Hz, more like our current F#…but so what?… Press the lever and the frequency comes out,…do you know what I mean?
Dr. Horowitz: Not really, but I’ll use an example that may help. We are told that if we tune to standard A = 440 tuning we can be as much as 3 Hz off and still have a harmonic resonance. Well you are right about 417Hz being very very close to a half note down from our standard tuning, but I am not so sure that further tenths, hundredths, or even thousands of a Hz frequency doesn’t make a potentially HUGE difference depending on whether these numbers decipher to 3, 6, 8, or 9 (i.e., Tesla’s and Aristotle’s “miracle set.”) So this leaves us lots of room for conjecture and hydrosonic experimentation.
Nikola Tesla, like Plato and Aristotle, taught his students John Keely and Royal Rife, “If humanity only knew the power of the 3s, 6s and 9s, it would be a new universe.” Dr. Lorenzen showed me published studies that when bacterial colonies were exposed to antibiotics for 3, 6, 9, 12 or 15 minutes verus any amount of time that did not deciper to 3, 6, or 9, far greater germicidal activity was observed. Why? Simply because there is something metaphysically “special” and powerful operating when you use these numbers. Otherwise not! It is like listen to music with two speaker systems, one a cheap set with a little static, and the other the best you can buy and enjoy.
Now consider your radio tuner for a minute. What happens when you go simply one frequency channel off of your favorite station. You no longer pick it up, or else it’s full of static. We can’t be sure at this point, we need more research to determine, whether the finer frequencies into the tenths and hundredths make major differences in everything from sound quality and psycho-emotional reactions to observations in biophysics.
Contributor: Dainis, let me add this. Ask yourself the question, “If my instrument is tuned to 440Hz, in what key shall I play?” The answer to that question is the same for ANY tuning frequency. We are recommending that musicians tune his/her instrument to these sacred frequencies. It’s not very complicated. YOU have to choose the proper frequency. Meditate on. . . . Becoming too technical or analytical becomes an impediment to what the heart can instantly feel and comprehend on a spiritual level. The audience will prove that in their response — when they hear the music.
Dainis Michel: You know guys, as a curious fellow and a trained musician, the concept of the “key of LOVE” intrigues me. But the terminology you use is pretty “off” for a trained musician. Here’s what I mean:
What is the “key of 528” or the “key of 417?”
Dr. Horowitz: I mean the “key of C(5)=528.” Or the “key of A=417.” I hope this helps. When you tune your A=444Hz, then your C(5) automatically goes into 528Hz.
Dainis Michel: I mean, is that the major scale based on those frequencies as the root? Can I play any mode with that frequency, so, does 417 lydian work? Can I play in minor mode? If I play a keyboard, I’ll be subject to the same issues of temperament that have plagued keyed instruments for centuries.
My piano tuner is coming to my place . . . to work some of these issues out. I’ve already contacted his company, and I’ve asked whether it is even possible to get the frequencies 528 and 417 into one piano tuning.
If you visit: http://shakahara.com/pianopitch2.php and type in 443.9935, for A, then you get both 264 and 528 into the tuning…but that’s pretty high and would likely make my piano sound harsh. European orchestras already tune high, and sometimes as high as 443, which might be a subtle move towards the fundamental frequencies of the universe. (Editor’s note: Llewellyn Lloyd urged European orchestras to tune to A=444Hz.)
Furthermore, when scientific results are claimed, I find it necessary to post scientific results. For example, play 440 to plants for a while, and then play 443.9935 and see what they like better. But then, who wants to listen to a drone tone? Play fun happy loving music with A=440 to plants, and they’ll likely dig it. Then slide the tuning up 3.9 Hz…is there a difference or is it the message the music is carrying that is more important?
Dr. Horowitz: I believe both issues are important, that is, the base frequency as well as the intent of the composer and attitude of the performer.
Dainis Michel: [Here’s] something else that I’m sure of. The intonation sounds good because of the tuning of the intervals…not necessarily because of the base frequency. Also, since I’ve studied the history of tuning a bit, reading “the ancient Solfeggio’s 417 Hz” leads me to really want verification. Tuning has always been an issue, and church organs around the world have been tuned differently for centuries.
Is verification available? How are you getting at 417 for ancient solfeggio? This is not “skepticism,” these are simple questions about musical realities.
Dr. Horowitz: Now it is obvious you have not read my work, or watched my videos. You need to read Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse wherein Dr. Puleo showed the world the 417Hz frequency associated with the 2nd tone of the original Solfeggio is revealed in the numbers associated with the repeating inane verses in the Book of Numbers, Chapter 7, verses 12 thru 83. You do not need a computer to see the 417 “bible code.” The frequency is encoded in the pattern of repeating verses in this section of the bible. Just reduce the verse numbers into their single digit integer, and you will see the pattern of 417 following the same repeating verses.
Dainis Michel: Okay, . . . The next thing is that I have a hunch that the real “root” frequency(ies) potentially of the universe…that the root frequency isn’t a “three number” number. It’s likely more like pi, (3.1415926…) something basically that could be “manufactured” but not calculated. Interestingly, you’ll see that 443.9935 in place of 440 leads to key 55 is 627.902 . . . In the piano tuner pitch website I’ve listed here . . . that’s close to “double” pi.
Dr. Horowitz: Read Victor Showell’s monographs, and his research on man-made pi posted at LOVE528.com under “pi, PHI and 528” in the upper menu. You will see that Showell corrects the “Pythagorean comma” in man-made pi, resolving it to a rational number, instead of the man-made irrational number you cite.
This is also what I was just saying a minute ago. Add these numbers up and what do we get? Do we get irrational unending numbers that reflects man’s erroneous math, or does God act similarly irrationally. No. Not at all. God’s natural numbers are rational, repeating, or ending definitely, not ongoing haphazardly indefinitely. So we may not be able to use your strategy to determine the legitimacy of this 3, 6, and 9 thesis, using man-made “constants” that are really not “constant” in terms of rational.
Dainis Michel: Another thing is that music just doesn’t “sound bad” because of the 440. Music is like water, and it carries messages. If I get A 440 and then use that as the major third, and then my choir sings something in F major, the “quality” of the sound has to do with how well the choir listens, how spiritually in tune with one another the singers are, how well are the singers warmed up; did I do yoga/healing exercises in the warm ups, have I evened out the “egos” in the choir; how smoothly does the choir tune to the bass as well as to the resonance in the room. . . . Those things determine whether it sounds good or not, and that has to do with relative pitch and relative intonation…not root frequency.
Contributor: We agree with this, however, each of these human factors impact the fundamental frequency to either encourage harmony or create dissonance.
Dainis Michel: Now, I’m not saying that adjusting root frequencies may not have particular effects, and that it’s not worth exploring, I am however saying that the terminology and “science” need to be sound.
Even with A=440, if you check [CLICK] here: you’ll notice that key 36 is 207.652, which is pretty close to half of 417. To get that note to be 417, I need to use something like 441.796 for A, which, however, leaves anything close to 528 categorically off the keyboard…unless my piano tuner can work some serious magic.
My piano tuners are http://www.dieklaviermachermeister.at/index.html, and they really are very good. I have started a dialog with them, and possibly, I will be able to help this movement with terminology and precision.
The intentions of this event are so marvelously spiritually sounding, that the reverberations that are starting surrounding it are already magical.
I’d like to contribute by asking very concretely:
What note should we tune to 417?
What note should we tune to 528?
Dr. Horowitz: My suggestion to participating performers is use either, both are wonderful. 417Hz is easier to tune to and sing, I understand from my friends in the music industry. As I mentioned, simple Korg tuners and their new synthesizers can tune to 417Hz. 528Hz tuning is slightly more challenging as you need to tune by ear initially to a tuning fork. I created a 30 second sample of that tone free on the internet accessible by clicking HERE.
Dainis Michel:: A “normal” Ab is already 415.305, so it’s actually really close, and a lot of orchestras tune to 442, which would mean that Ab Major/Minor (plus any other mode with the root Ab/G#) would be in the “key of universal resonance.” Likely Db would be a good key, with Ab as the 5th too.
Dr. Horowitz: I know this is accurate from tuning my guitar to 417Hz and playing along with CDs and DVDs in standard tuning. It is CLOSE, but slightly off to my ear.
Dainis Michel:: So, then, how to find 528? C is “normally” 523.251. However, tuning that much higher might cause strain on musicians ears, since the sound might be considered very bright.
Something related to C=528 since you and Dr. Emoto have invited Yoko Ono to participate in LIVE H2O. Not long ago I played John Lennon’s “Imagine” in concert. From the video where John is playing the white piano and Yoko kisses him at the end…the piano has fallen in pitch considerably. I think even orchestras played with that recording and must have needed to tune very low. I’ve heard versions in normal C, even with John singing, and they just aren’t as nice.
Dr. Horowitz I believe this is because if their white piano was tuned low, then it was closer to what Haydn was tuned to in the eighteenth century, nearer to 417Hz, which professional vocalists tell me is much easier for most vocalists to sing.
[Editor’s note: Subsequent researchers discovered that John Lennon recorded Imagine in 528Hz precisely. They evidenced this with links to YouTube clips of Lennon performing Imagine in 528, and it was confirmed by dozens of people who wrote Dr. Horowitz about this. Then, YouTube pulled every Lennon Imagine clip out of their collection for a time, really pissing the investigators off. Later, Lennon’s Imagine clips were replaced on YouTube and were all off slightly, albeit significantly, from 528Hz. This is where it stands today.]
Dainis Michel:: When I played Imagine, I played it in B or A, to honor John’s original recording. But that was a tiny bit too low. So, just guestimating, let’s say that John’s piano slid down to A=420. That puts B at just about exactly 471, actually here are the actual numbers:
key 51 is 471.434
key 52 is 499.467
Which means that Johns C was something like 500 or 501, and that his 7th (or leading tone) in the piece was 471 or thereabouts.
Could that be one of the reasons the piece is so peaceful?
Dr. Horowitz: Yes, this is quite possible. I know when I listen to people and instruments tuned to A=417Hz or A=444Hz/C=528Hz I nearly always get a “breath release” indicating inner peaceful resonance, much like a yawn produces.
Contributor: Dainis, I’ve been sitting back listening to your comments and series of questions regarding “scientific” or “common-sense proof” of the validity of 528 Hz, or any other frequency considered to be part of the “Perfect Circle of Sound.” Let me see if I can provide you with ‘short’ responses to your many questions.
To begin, “528 Hz” is considered as a desirable TUNING frequency because of certain metaphysical and/or universal qualities found at that frequency. A frequency is not a “key.” It is just that, a “frequency.” The issue of “key centers” come into play once one adds intervals, i.e. melodic sequences, harmonies (simultaneous intervals), and cadences (chord progressions), whether consonant or dissonant.
Dainis Michel:: Thank you. I am glad that you recognize that a frequency is not a key, and it makes sense then to be confused by the phrase Len has been spreading, “528Hz is the Key of Love,” since a frequency is not a key, and the phrase implies musical illiteracy. Ask a musician to play in the “key of 528Hz,” and you would, as I would, simply state “you don’t know what you are talking about and you are not giving me enough information to tune my instrument.”
Dr. Len, however, you use the phrase repeatedly and you even had an article titled “Musicians can now perform in the key of LOVE” on one of your websites.
Dr. Horowitz: You’re awesome Dainis. Thanks for pointing out my “musical illiteracy.” You are right about the fact I am pretty illiterate musically, which is why I defer all of my technical questions to others better educated, but having said this I must tell you that my role in relaying this musical intelligence and opportunity to humanity sometimes calls for word usage and phrases that best deliver the message to the illiterate masses.
Besides this, what is the “key to the House of David” that opens metaphysical or spiritual doors that no man can open or close? Is this a “frequency?” Did the authors of the Bible blunder by not correctly calling it a “frequency to the House of David.” I’m partly joking, and largely not.
In Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse I noted that John Keely may have made a similar “mistake” with the publication of hues (not pigment colors) of light related to musical notes. On the “G-Clef” with “C” being the first line below the staff and continuing up the scale and up the staff
C = Red = Tonic
D = Orange = Super Tonic
E = Yellow = Mediant
F = Green = Sub Dominant
G = Blue = Dominant
A = Indigo = Super Dominant, Sub Mediant
B = Violet = Leading Tone, Sub Tonic
C = Red = Octave
Dinshah, the greatest Indian analyst in this field made a similar “mistake” as Keely and I did equating the frequencies to musical “keys” as shown in Dinshah’s Health Society chart:
I have been very interested in these charts and have always felt the need for more research and determinations in this field.
Dainis Michel: So, obviously each frequency is not a “key” in the usual sense, and one frequency isn’t a tune. Of course we need some kind of indication as to how the notes in the scale or “keys” should be tuned. Also, what do we do about the issues of equal temperament?
Contributor: Currently, “A-440 Hz” is considered to be the international tuning standard. Why is that so? And I remind you — it doesn’t matter what key you’re playing in — “A-440 Hz” has been decided to be the international tuning standard. Why? By whom?
Dainis Michel: Wait a minute, A=440 is not really the international standard. Orchestras play in 442, and some pianos at the University of Vienna are even tuned to 443. Some European orchestras play in 443. I’ve even heard about 444 and 445.
Here’s an interesting thread I just looked up:
It says 440 may be a benchmark, but seriously, tuning is not that easy. The string section might tune sharp to sound more brilliant. Also, try to get a professional orchestra to play one pitch. Try to get them to all play A. You will hear a sea of sound with a whole lot of non 440 stuff. . . . And you know what it will be fuzzy. . . . And with the appropriate intent, it will be beautiful.
Dr. Horowitz: This is what Lloyd was complaining about in Britain’s Royal Society for the Arts journal. He wrote that that problem disappears if the orchestra begins tuned to A=444Hz. He wrote that by the end of the concert everyone is still beautifully tuned to A=444Hz, instead of being all over the place. The most reasonable explanation for this is, again, the “phase locking” that occurs when you tune your instruments to the same frequency that God tuned chlorophyll, that is to A=444Hz/C=528Hz.
Dainis, there is inherent metaphysical value to the numbers. The numbers 1 or 2 are not part of the set of 3s, 6s, 9, or 8s. 17 is part of the set of 8s. So there are likely sacred spiritual frequencies upon which sacred geometry and phi is based, and then other numbers that regard more physical than metaphysical energy dynamics. That’s like mixing, rather than comparing, apples and oranges.
Dainis Michel:: I guess there needs to be more reasoned steps for me to even discuss any of these “findings,” for example, with anyone in my doctoral seminar at the music theory institute here in Vienna.
I really need concrete statements that make sense.
Dr. Horowitz: It will make more sense once you integrate the basic intelligence and Pythagorean revelations. Study Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, and then LOVE the Real Da Vinci CODE. The certainty of, and rationale for, knowing the number 3 is metaphysically or spiritually different from the numbers 1 and 2 is very evident. To prove it, simply take the multiples of these numbers, and you will see multiples of 3s, 6s, and 9s, always give you 3s, 6s, and 9s. You can’t say that for the other numbers. They don’t give you such patterns.

The 528Hz frequency tuning will have the greatest impact on the heart center, according to Oriental medicine. This frequency of LOVE, placed internationally in water, will theoretically impact eveyone’s hearts due to resonance and entrainment to the larger bodies of vibrating water. The successful “experiment” occurred June 21, 2009 on the final day of LIVE H2O: Concert for the Living Water.
Contributor:: The “Perfect Circle of Sound” frequencies follow the Fibonacci series, Danis. Here’s more scientific proof for you. And all the frequencies are divisible by 3. Example: 5+ 2+ 8 (528 Hz) = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6. 6 is divisible by 3. The other frequencies also result in numerological sequences of 3, 6, or nine (all divisible by 3). Such patterns or sequences do not exist in the realm of 440Hz. 440Hz is not found in nature. In fact, it is an ‘unnatural’ frequency. Again, key center does not matter. What does matter is the matrix which is created with 440Hz.
Dainis Michel: OK, that is interesting. How do we measure this matrix? Where are you getting your information?
Dr. Horowitz: The matrix we are talking about is the musical mathematical matrix advanced by mathematician Marko Rodin who constructed the toroidal structure of the universe from simply mathematical patterns. He too came up with these same frequencies, or what he called mathematical patterns. This work has been confirmed as accurate by scientists and physicists globally. His work proves intelligent design for any reasonable and reasonably intelligent person.
Contributor:: The 440 matrix forces energy on the physical plain while violating or excluding universal principles which foster LOVE, joy, peace, compassion, health, and universal abundance (all spiritual or triune qualities).
Dainis Michel: Umm…440 Hz does this? Well, then maybe that is why staying in tune is so hard! No one plays in tune it seems.
Dr. Horowitz: RIGHT ON! Now your talking. The world has gone into unnatural dissonance rather than natural harmonics. This is why we have wars, environmental degradation, and self-destruction. OUR INSTRUMENTS ARE MISTUNED.
Did you every wonder why experts say we are walking around only using 5% of our brains? As if God created you to carry 95% neurological trash around in your cranium. Take it to the dump!
What’s wrong with this picture is the same story told in the Beatle’s animation, Yellow Submarine. Our instruments have been stolen (in this case mistuned), and the empowering tunings have been secreted. Our colorful creative family has been turned into a fragile black and white falling apart with every bomb dropped. Our mission, with LIVE H2O [and the 528LOVERevolution], and this dialogue, is to recover the music that shall set us free to restore the colorful creative global village, filled with nature’s music, that Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band rescued from the Blue Meanies.
Dainis Michel:: But seriously, what evidence to you have to support that 440 does what you claim? To me, I almost feel like I’m called to defend 440, and say…hey…it’s just a frequency and it has just as much right to exist as 441 and 442. Why ascribe so much negativity to 440?
I argue you are ascribing negativity, which is projection and unfair, or your position has basis in fact. If it has basis in fact, please explain.
Contributor: 440Hz focuses reality on the physical plane, excluding the more subtle spiritual frequencies. You can choose either. The world is obviously choosing 440Hz most popularly, and we are simply pointing out the overlooked probability that physical salvation and spiritual evolution rests in practicing and performing in a different set of frequencies. The frequencies of the masters, Plato, Pythagorus, Da Vinci, Tesla, Keely, etc.
The destructive quality of the duple frequencies, those exclusively divisible or multiples of 2, can be found at 2Hz, the most common (and destructive) frequency of an earthquake.
Dainis Michel:: OK, more information like this would be very helpful.
Contributor:: When one uses 528Hz, or 417Hz, or any of the other frequencies in the “Perfect Circle” as the tuning center, all frequencies follow the same formula and are divisible by three. The significance is that these frequencies are supported by the creational Fibonacci series, as well as da Vinci’s studies in phyllotaxis, astronomy, and human anatomy.
Dainis Michel:: Wow! This supports my hunch that the actual frequencies are some kind of multiple of pi, or the acceleration of gravity, or something like that. Not, these “three number” frequencies.
What if I argued that your three number frequencies are satanic derivatives of the 666 energy? What if I argued that real healing frequencies have uncountable decimal places, and that you are leading sheep to the slaughter? With unsound reasoning and exciting rhetoric, I might just gain a following!!!
Dr. Horowitz: Dainis, your reasoning is seriously flawed. You can also study the work of Russia’s top space-time physicist who determined that the energetic nodes in which all physical measures occur by nature are all 3s, 6s, and 9s.
And your argument that 666 is “Satanic energy” is standard Christian doctrine that disregards the fact that the devil created nothing other than deception. All the numbers were created by the Source of all creation, and used as a creative language. I know more about 666 than probably any person alive. I answered the riddle of Revelation 13:18. I tell you 666 is simply a material manifestation and prospering number. Each 6 symbolizes spiraling down from heaven into physical reality, typically prosperity. If you don’t believe me take a can of PEPSI and hold it up to a mirror. Count the numbers in the name and reduce it to a single digit. The Illuminati knows what you don’t. The Christian community has been deceived into believing 666 is evil rather than simply identifying evil. If I use the word evil as a descriptive, it doesn’t mean I am evil, just as 666 identifies evil without making it evil.
Contributor:: In short, these “Perfect Circle” frequencies are in natural universal resonance, whereas 440 is not.
Dr. Horowitz: There is a ton of intelligence regarding the importance of the 3s, 6s, and 9s throughout the world of science as well as scripture. Read the dimensions of Solomon’s temple in the Bible. Read the dimensions of Noah’s arc, being careful to consider cubit measures, not feet. Why does it require 144,000 people to sing a new song to bring about the Messianic Age in Rev. 14:1 (=6)? Because we are dealing with metaphysically empowering, that is spiritually enabling, numbers. The power for creation and intelligent design is all in the numbers! Why are water molecules triangulated? The same reason most cell phone towers are triangulated. The energy is increased using that structure. Why does Solomon’s seal and the organic chemistry ring, the Carbon-6 molecule of life, contain this six-sided sacred geometry? There is substantial reasoned intelligence here.
Contributor:: One must discard the tuning modalities developed around an ‘unnatural’ frequency: 440Hz. Piano tuning (or any other instrumental tuning) temperaments will not follow the same mathematical formulas as nature does if 440Hz is used. Temperaments have always been dependent upon construction methods, too. Harpsichords, ‘Square’ pianofortes, and pipe organs are but a few examples of instruments that influence tuning temperaments.
Notice that I have not named one “key.” This is an issue centered around fundamental tones that resonate with and abide by Universal laws. If you seek proof, do the math.
Better yet, try playing in those tuning frequencies. See what experiences you will have.
Dainis Michel:: That may or may not have anything to do with the frequency itself.
Dr. Horowitz: Right. But we already covered that. We’ve already established other factors, such as heart felt intent, and the emotional state of the performers, bear on the outcome of the performance. So let’s not go there again.
Dainis Michel:: Sorry if some of my statements seem curt. I have a good number of professional musician friends and associates who may want to join in the discussion. However…the stuff needs to make sense….it needs to be “doable,” and the “proofs” need to be more than untested projections or theories. Does that make sense? . . .
I’ll be putting together a LIVE H2O event in Vienna, so reaching a core understanding here is a vital part of that.
Dr. Horowitz: Naturally, you need to understand what we are talking about. And your devil’s advocacy position here only strengthens our message that musicians worldwide need to study the facts and make their own wisest choices. . . .