528 Revolution
Simple Summary of the 528 Revolution
Why “528” Hertz Frequency is Used to Prompt Healing, “Creative Consciousness,” and Solutions to Earth’s Worst Problems.
Centuries ago powerful men suppressed the energy of human creativity by changing the frequencies of music. This stymied the 528 Revolution happening at that time, better known as the Renaissance.
For example, the “C” note of nature is 528Hz; while today, nearly all Western music is played in a “standard tuning” of “A”= 440Hz.
This is like listening to your favorite music on the radio when suddenly someone changes the frequency; so you hear static instead of the “clear channel broadcast.”
Eventually you forget what nature’s most uplifting music sounds like, and you think the static is “normal,” despite it being stressful and eventually harmful.
It is well known that the major investors in the media, entertainment, and music industry are allied with global bankers, energy industrialists, and arms dealers. They profit from everything that is deadly, like wars, pollution, and toxic drug side effects.
Alternatively, creativity, like intuitive receptivity, flows freely and naturally; optimally when music–“the Universal Language”–harmonizes with nature. Original music, performed by indigenous artists and celestial bodies (e.g., the Sun) is healing and creatively inspiring.
Now we know there are 9 core creative frequencies comprising a cosmic “Perfect Circle of Sound™”—a musical-mathematical matrix—fundamental to the laws of physics, nature, sacred geometry, and the spinning, spiraling, fractal universe.
Advancing this knowledge further, NASA scientists determined that space is full of water; and the central frequency of the Sun is 528Hz. This is consistent with every theology, including the Book of Genesis that records the “Word,” like a musical language imparted to water, creates, uplifts, and sustains everything including the Sun, you, and our cosmos.
So creating, or now recreating, the world as we choose to have it, including ourselves, using this intelligence seems reasonable and appropriate.
Water, our “Creative Juice,” is a superconductor of sound. Mounting evidence indicates the sound of LOVE is 528Hz, and LOVE is the “Universal Healer.” The more we play music in 528, with heart-felt loving intent to heal the world and ourselves, that energy ripples out like a pebble creating waves in a pond, energetically washing the farthest shore–people worldwide.
Water, everywhere and in our bodies, amplifies LOVE, 528Hz, opens hearts, and expands consciousness and intelligence, to advance solutions to our world’s worst problems.
In other words, this is the real life enactment of the “plan” John Lennon encouraged in Revolution, and The Beatles animation Yellow Submarine, to solve the problem of the underwater people of “Pepperland.” They had their instruments and music stolen and silenced by the “Blue Meanies.”
The “528 Revolution” has the same mission as Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band—to free humanity with the music that instantly turns fearful, frozen, fragile, colorless people into powerful, colorful and creative global celebrants of LOVE, peace, natural healing, and widespread prosperity in all ways.
Sure there are critics and nay-sayers who contend this is a fraud, or can’t be done.
Simply prescribe for them what John Lennon wrote. Tell them, . . . . . “You’d better free your mind instead.”
More Detailed Explanation of the 528LOVERevolution. . .
MILLENNIA AGO, in the so-called “Garden of Eden”, humans communed with the Source of creation and were prospered “in all ways”. There was “peace on earth” and optimal goodwill operating.
Then there was “the GREAT FALL”. Faith, trust and a supernatural relationship was violated. The Divine connection was compromised between the “heart of God” and the hearts of wo/men.
The 528 Revolution aims to restore that connection and global “Garden”, by advancing scientific facts proven in the world of mathematics, physics, and music, and applied in every industry, especially medicine.
“The Fall” in Music
The inventor of science—Aristotle—considered mathematics and music the basis for reality. The musical-mathematics of “LOVE”, especially, was valued so much by the ancient mystery-schoolers, including Plato and Leonardo da Vinci, that these philosophers and inventors, pure geniuses, featured LOVE in their works. They thought so much about LOVE and “Divine Communion” that Aristotle named the first scientific text PHYSICS, a title deriving from the word “Philos” meaning LOVE.
In 1938-39, the British Standards Institute, prompted by the Rockefeller Foundation, imposed a musical standard on the world that condemned civilization to physiological distress and spiritual suppression. This imposition was called “Standard Concert Tuning”.
In musical terms, “standard tuning” was set at A=440Hz, versus the traditionally preferred higher tuning of A=444Hz that set C(5) at 528Hz.
The military, medical, and social implications of this secret manipulation of music in the Western World was profound. In essence, the change created such dissonance” in the hearts of audiences it shut down most of the remaining natural communication between Western civilization and the Creator. In essence, humanity was “dumbed down”, suppressed energetically, vibrationally, bio-spiritually, from the most beneficial frequency of LOVE/528.
The Phantom of the Opera Metaphor
For the music scholars reading this, the “Music of the Night” has befallen civilization. A=440Hz standard tuning” plays F# in 741Hz, that is the most stressful, physiologically annoying, and damaging frequency in musical history. That is why classical musicologists call the difference between C=528Hz and F# in 741Hz (albeit played in two different scales) the the “Devil’s Interval”. The “Devil’s tone”, in fact, was the name given to F# = 741Hz. It is also called the “diminished fifth” or “tritone.”
Increasingly, since the 1939 imposition of “standard tuning,” the agents and agencies who did this have assaulted the environment, compromised public health and safety, and threatened the extinction of humanity, not only petro-chemically, but musically.
Most intelligent people realize, at this point in history, the world needs a miracle to get us out of this mess we are in, imposed by global industrialists, affecting everything and everyone on earth.
Just like in the Phantom of the Opera, a powerful LOVE offering is required to extinguish the “Music of the Night” and its “demonic source,” to restore peace, joy, and freedom for all.
The 528Revolution Miracle
This 528Revolution provides this “miracle”. In fact, 528Hz is the “MI” note, or MIracle” note, of the original Solfeggio musical scale. A massive amount of evidence strongly suggests 528Hz is the prophesied “Key of the house of David” (Isaiah 22:22; Rev. 3: 6-8) or “Zion’s Key” for global peace and prosperity.
The true meaning of “Zionism”, sadly, has been exploited to disparage Jewish people, create hate, and generate terrorism and war. In fact, the original meaning of the word implies peace on earth, where “the lion lies down with the lamb”. And this notion of peace on earth requires the “LOVE528 frequency” resonating at the heart of rainbows, sunshine, and snowflakes.
This extraordinary intelligence, contributed by award-winning author, filmmaker, “World Leading Intellectual” awardee, and peace activist, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, is history making. It fulfils ancient prophesy, exalts creativity in the arts, corroborates the intelligence advanced by ancient mystery school Pythagorean mathematicians, and corrects and refocuses the sciences to steward a healthier and more sustainable system of commerce.
This is why the 528 REVOLUTION is snowballing in the music and natural healing industries, and will eventually impact everything, slowly but surely. Increasingly, this great news is preparing world leaders to stay “ahead of the curve,” helping creatively-frozen followers transform their lives.
Not About “Religion,” Simply Cosmic Creation and Evolution
The 528 Revolution is not a “religious” movement or “cult,” simply an evolutionary offering of intelligence supported by observations (i.e., empirical science.)
It is a gift of learning how and why, by simply retuning instruments, voices, and music to the sound resonating at the heart of the universe, miracles are promised.
528 frequency “good vibrations” opens people’s hearts and resonates and restores the connection to Creative Source. By applying this power in people’s hearts, amplified by faithful prayer, audiences can expect to experience a natural “tune up,” and restoration of body, mind, emotions, and spirit, renewing health, energy, and potentially everything in need of innovation.
The 528 Revolution advances this promise in a most enjoyable way. Recommended viewing for studying is the 528KEY film presentation by Dr. Horowitz. The film uses colorful, musical, and engaging images that “resonate viewers in 528” to expand the healing arts and sciences. The mission is to serve civilization’s urgent needs for health promotion, disease prevention, and environmental restoration–all without the risk of negative side effects from petrochemicals and pharmaceuticals.
LOVE is the “Universal Healer,” music is the “Universal Language,” and water is the “Universal Solvent.” Dr. Horowitz puts them together to effectively challenge, and prophetically terminate, reliance upon lesser-evolved more-problematic technologies and industries.
528 Revolutionary & Evolutionary Revelations in Science, Energy, & Medicine
Since your body is nearly 80% water, and water is a superconductor of sound and light, you can imagine filling your body with the sound that makes grass green–“LOVE/528.”
Consider what this “tune-up” might do for you, for your health, healing, and well-being, honoring chlorophyll’s widely known ability to heal people of illnesses including cancers.
What might this know-how do for your relationships, family, community, nation and world? What impact could this intelligence and 528-based technologies have on producing world peace and sustainability?
The 528 Revolution affirms these answers with practical solutions to humanity’s suffering. The 528 Revolution is a culmination of the contributions of peace activists, including “John Lennon, Bob Marley, Jesus, Ghandi, and Martin Luther King.
Imagine eradicating infectious diseases from planet earth. One practical example was advanced by Dr. Horowitz who put 528Hz resonance into OxySilver, made of pure resonating water bonded to microfine silver. Both water and silver are superconductors of electron energy. So using OxySilver with prayer, heart-felt loving intention, he advises can keep you healthy or remedy what ails you.
This is a form of “musical medicine.” In fact, “medicinal music,” or “LOVE music,” is made by “tuning-up” to A=444Hz–four cycles per second above “standard tuning.” That’s only about 2/3 of a half-tone, but this small change makes a HUGE difference. This difference is like regaining your radio reception. By changing only 1/10th of a Hz frequency on your digital “dial” you know you can lose or gain your clear channel broadcast. But 4Hz difference, from A=440 to 444Hz, is forty (40) times the dissonance, or static, generated by a .1Hz change on your digital radio.
This is the idea behind the online services: 528Radio.com, and 528Records.com. Here you can listen to music transposed into the “LOVE frequency”–medicinal music–or transpose your old A=440Hz tracks and albums into 528Hz for more than your listening enjoyment. The energy outpouring from your radio then can broadcast through the ether, the atmosphere, to subliminally and subaudibly touch and open the hearts of humanity.
As you can see, a massive amount of intelligence and goodwill has been gathered and provided by Dr. Horowitz’s team of scholars; and these contributions shall change the course of history, help save millions of lives and perhaps civilization as well.
Profound Intelligence
Dr. Horowitz’s contributions prove, most incredibly and profoundly, that the best remedy for every tragedy is available musically, and is even in the air we breathe.
Oxygen carries the “electron of LOVE/528.” Indeed, if you study botany and chlorophyll’s structure and function, you’ll learn the energy and frequency of the pigment, and the magnesium that generates it, is 528!
The 528 Revolution favors revealing these simplest truths about creation, and the Creator’s technology for re-creating everything, every moment, with the sound and light of LOVE. By understanding the role 528 plays in the musical-mathematical matrix of creation, you will gain a profound appreciation for the perfection within you and the universe.
By “phase-locking” into this awesome and amazing frequency of sound and light, you will not only gain a greater appreciation for your “LOVE Power,” but you will also spark your innate intelligence and creative genius. You too, will be more likely to develop technologies and designs for better health and living. This awareness is key to developing peaceful and productive relationships for a better world.
Thus, the 528 Revolution provides practical direction to advance much needed solutions.
Technology to Terminate Catastrophes
These secreted 528 truths provide unprecedented blessings at this most crucial time in history.
In fact, there is no easier, better, or more powerful path to take to clean up the environment, and restore what has been stolen from civilization, than this musical-mathematical science of creation featuring LOVE/528.
Now we can redesign everything according to the sacred geometry and frequency of LOVE.
This know-how manifests the promise of “prosperity in all ways” for everyone, in every industry–“an idea whose time has come.”
Only a metaphysical superpower can make physical salvation and spiritual evolution happen at this stage of global crisis, economic meltdown, environmental destruction, and geopolitical degeneration.
The 528 Revolution beautifully delivers this final opportunity most profoundly, professionally, educationally, and enjoyably.
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