528 Frequency Fan Mail (and More)

Master harpist Steve Rees re-tuned to C=528Hz. Click to buy this 528 masterpiece by Rees now!
528 Frequency Fans and Skeptics Write to 528 Revolutionaries, Dr. Leonard Horowitz and Sherri Kane
528 Fan 1:
Dear Editor:
I just wanted to let you know that the 528 revolution site as well as all the products and reading materials have given me a potent line of defense against much of the negativity in our current society. Although, I realize Dr Horowitz understands the significance and potency of this frequency, I am wondering if he is just at the tip of the ice berg with its application. I regularly listen to the 528 radio and subscribe to it monthly. I love the calming effect it has on my whole environment and my own frame of mind. I feel happier and more aware in general. However, it goes beyond this . I really do not want to disclose too much at this time but needless to say, I have encountered an extremely negative group of people (not by choice) and found that their negative occult dabbling as well as their use of negative frequencies is nullified by the 528 frequency. I am wondering since this occult presence is more widespread than people would imagine if the 528 frequency could be sent out on a larger scale on a a greater band width or picked up by satellite to affect a greater number of people. Never has there been a time in history that this was needed so badly. ..
Thank you for your time and consideration
Have a Great Day!
528 Skeptic 1:
From: Eso De Música <esotechnstar@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 11:58 AM
Subject: 528 HZ
To: Editor@medicalveritas.org
You profess that 528 HZ is the frequency of the heart chakra. The heart chakra is the 4th chakra and the color is green. 528 HZ is the frequency of the 3rd chakra and the color is yellow.
Please explain to me why you tell the masses that 528 HZ is the tone of the heart chakra?
Dr. Horowitz’s reply:
You sound like a person with an ax to grind (or a COINTELPRO Pharmatroll) advancing a reasonable question with an attitude of bad faith.
Assuming you are not simply someone suffering with a “small penis syndrome,” the answer to your question lies beneath your own words. The Heart and Will Chakras resonate together at 528nm–Greenish Yellow, according to Oriental medicine.
It is unreasonable to think that humanity was given Free Will with no LOVE in the Creator’s heart, or that humanity cannot choose a more loving and sustaining destiny.
As someone who asks a reasonable question, and comes across like an asshole while asking it, you might want to listen to more 528Hz music to balance the darkness in your greenish-yellow inter-chakra zone between your heart and will function. That might be healing for your 741Hz zone in your pineal-ego center of “consciousness” that asked your question with an attitude of ugliness.
Once you understand the answer to your question, as I have instructed, then your more important question becomes, “How do we know 528Hz sound accommodates or manifests 528nm of greenish yellow light.” That is my question that is reasonably based on principles of physics, metaphysics, and cymatics justifying my reasonable conversion thesis.
Please do not respond to this mail, until you have read The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE. Then you might be less offensive in your manner of correspondence, more appreciative of my labor of LOVE/528, and ask more enlightening questions.
Leonard Horowitz
528 Fan 2:

Click to hear 528Radio “medicinal music.”
Hi Dr. Horowitz and Ms. Kane,
I hope this message finds you in 528Hz spirits ! I just wanted to take a moment and share some vibrational news with You. Since I have been following Your works, research and enjoying the 528 products for a little over 7 years now, I have finally come to the vibrational resonance in my body of truly resonating my essence at 528Hz frequency within. I have been working with this frequency in many personal experiments to validate the frequency for myself according to the research and have found it to be truly remarkable. It is indeed the Love frequency as you have stated and although I have been believing it all along from hints and my intuition, I now very much feel this frequency has turned my body into the instrument that allows its expression through my body, mind and spirit with the “understanding attached”. Words fall short of how truly vibrationally remarkable and literal this feeling is and knowing on a deeper level of consciousness. I have not read the book of 528 yet but its been sitting on my book shelf waiting for me to open it up and dive in. Just recently, I collaborated with a friend who performed a Hip-Hop show in Santa Rosa, Ca where the DJ allowed me to transpose the performers tracklist into the 528Hz frequency and play it at the show. The turn out at this event was around 200 folks, mostly of hip hop/rap background. As soon as the 528Hz tracklist began playing when it was my friends turn to be on stage, I felt PURE alchemy. It made me so happy like a child and many people felt compelled to dance and engage in this feeling to themselves. I would say that this event experiment was a success and that this frequency did exactly what it was supposed to do and exactly what You said it would do. I am continuing to work on getting Dj’s in the San Francisco night clubs to allow me to transpose their sets in the 528Hz, although this is a bit of a challenge, my intention is set on it. I have found a perfect calling to help heal the world through this path in music. It seems people accept it right away by listening to it rather then accept the education of it up before hearing it. I have been educating people about it for some time but I thought why not let them feel it for themselves. I have basically transposed most of my own personal music in the 528Hz and allow my friends and strangers to hear it when I play music in my car. Many still do not understand it yet but they feel the Love and mastered connection is there. Anyway, I just wanted to say THANK YOU for fighting so hard along side Sherri to get this information out there, it is a precious frequency of Love and if one listens to it enough, one will become the instrument of it. Its truly a blessing where words fall short to describe. For humans to become a tuning fork of Love and to understand it in its raw form is a gift to share with each-other and the Creator as You know. Working on the next step to levitate this into ALL music which is quite an undertaking but it will happen someday soon. The Earth already does this, but to integrate it on our human level is where we all need to be. Thanks for ALL that You and Sherri do and for helping me understand through Your Love and patience in sharing Your research. What a gift ! 432Hz seems to sound like a harmonic but does not tune the body into a Love tuning fork… That’s my personal opinion. The Nazi frequency will meet its end on this planet soon. 528Hz is the way 🙂
With gratitude in 528Hz
((((((((((528)))))))))) CHAD ))))))))))))))))528((((((((((((((((
528 Fan 3:
I would like to ask one question regarding frequency changes. As whole planet and everything is changing frequency , how does Solfeggio frequency apply now?
Thank you in advance
528 intelligent Catholic skeptic, and Dr. Horowitz Reply in purple:
On Oct 20, 2016, JB RS wrote:
I´ve been reading a lot, and hearing a lot from different authors about frequencies, sounds, and the physics, and maths behind it.
I have also a very deep understanding of religions, and the Catholic church, since my father not only was a Jesuit, but both of my parents are Theologists, and my whole family grew up in the context of the Catholic church (with its goods and its bads). I also get how manipulative mankind can be for the sake of power, since I´ve specialized my studies in International Studies, International Law and Political Sciences… So I´m very open-minded to get a reasonable understanding of the whole.
I tried to integrate all the information to see if it was coherent, and many of the things really add up. There are many scientists, from different periods of time that developed theories, and results in many of these fields you talk about. So I don´t doubt that specific sound and magnetic frequencies affect and have an effect in matter, and of course our souls.
My doubts comes as to why there´s always a conspiracy theory behind it? I hear about hidden codes, UFOs, the Church, military involvement…
The Catholic Church certainly hided historic/scientific/spiritual information at some points in history, and many times as catholics, we don´t understand why they did it. But I can certainly say there are many many great people in the Catholic Church today that only seek goodness, and this probably applies to the great majority of people. So, basing the rational behind the ciphered numbers that resulted in the sacred solfeggio notes you mention is kind of toooo conspirationist for me. Maybe it´s good to sell books, but I don´t buy it. The solfeggio notes appear in many written, and public Gregorian music files that you can access in the Vatican library. Also, by only asking to one mysterious Monsignor you probably won´t get any results. I could present you with Cardinals, Priests, and even the Pope, and I´m sure a positive answer based on history, and facts, will come out. I don´t think there´s any mystery or intention to hide information in this case. It just doesn´t make sense.
I totally disagree. First of all, I resent your insinuation that I have worked, published, and risked my life “to sell books.” Second, anyone who has ever been to the Vatican and studied the history of the influence of the Borgias and Medici crime (banking) families would not disparage the conspiracy reality, not conspiracy theory, motivated by greed and population manipulation. “The masses” fed the corrupted enterprise, albeit many wonderful loving humanitarians were among the deceived.
FACT: Dr. Joseph Puleo, a devout Catholic, personally confessed to me his year-long attempt to get the Solfeggio knowledge from his Bishop. If the intelligence you claim is so readily available and transparent, then why was Joey rebuked?
Moreover, why did it take Jesus coming to Joey in a vision, according to Joey’s story that I published, to reveal WHAT IS SECRETED in the Book of Numbers (Old Testament, predating Constantine and the creation of the RC Church). Sorry, your scotoma, is thus proven.
Anyways, I´d love to understand more about the 528hz frequency, since from the metaphysical point of view it´s very interesting. I´m fascinated by how a sound can affect a state of mind, and the ability to awake the 95% of our dormant brain. I´m also very excited to see how we could change our collective consciousness just by switching instruments to the right frequencies and notes.
Then don’t insult or bite the hand that selflessly fed you and the world with this accurate intelligence.
My last comment/question is kind of sociological. What would happen if suddenly all humankind could awake and use the sound to create energy, food, health, and a balanced soul?
You really need to study my online publications, including my video productions. You don’t sound like you have even read The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of Love, that you infer I published for profit instead of pure service on assignment from the Creator.
To answer your following questions, I have investment my life, and every penny in my now impoverished state, faithfully heralding the “key of the house of David” (Rev. 3: 6-8; Isaiah 22:22) praying for what you consider and envision below. Not only have I written extensively on these matters, as you can read for free on 528Revolution.com, but invested thousands of hours and more than $200,000.00 in: (a) producing the international Concert for the Living Water, “LIVE H2O” in 2009, supported by groups in 76 countries; (b) pioneered a free online music transposition service, 528Records.com; and (c) launched 528Radio.com to output 528Hz frequency music to touch people’s hearts internationally. Despite being hacked constantly and expensively; and having these contributions and my person smeared by people who claim, like you have insinuated, that I have done this for profit, the service to fulfill prophesy and your own vision is still up and running FOR FREE.
Would this collapse the way we live today? Will this collapse the system in which human kind is embedded today? If so, how do we, as humans, make the transition? Let´s say I have the capacity and ability to connect and sync my consciousness to a higher lever, how do you live in harmony with the enslaved way of life we have today, with a job, bills, activities, kids…? Because this won´t probably change, being optimist, in the next 20 years or so. Is there any way to avoid the clash and gradually adapt?
I´d love to hear your opinion!
With kind regards,
Juan Ramada

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Reply from the doctor:
The original Solfeggio has been secreted and neglected as A UNIVERSAL CONSTANT. The frequency shifting that is ongoing is actually phase-locking into those secreted frequencies, going back if you will, to what is optimally natural. The time/space continuum must be circular, revolving, like the Beatles album Revolver. We’re going “home.”
528 Fan 3 Response mail:
Dear Leonard,
Thank you very much for your response to my mail. All my musical life I’ve been searching and intuitively tuning to Solfeggio, now it’s clear to me why. Yes we’re coming “home.”
528 Fan 4:
Hi Sherri,
I downloaded the music tracks from my files area and it was fine.
Can your technical guy recommend a windows software and Android app that will demonstrate that the music is playing with the 528hz coding?
I don’t mean a player, I have that. What I need is a frequency display that can show the difference.
I searched and find many analyzers but do not know enough yet to pick out one that will show the difference clearly and work off the microphone or an internal player with mp3’s.
I am talking to people about it and would like to be able to show them something concrete about it. I have android phones and tablets.
I know several other people using the 528 sounds and I know they would like to be able to show something concrete to the people they introduce to it.
All in the effort to spread the word.
All the best
Hello, Lief.
Thanks for your question.
What I do, to test the transposed tracks, is:
a) Play along with it with my guitar tuned to A=444/Hz (C=528Hz). I can easily tell the difference if the music I am playing along with is not registered in that scale. It sounds “out of tune;”
b) I load both tracks into Garage Band. Make sure they begin at the same time, and then look at the end of the tracks to see if they line up or not. They should NOT LINE UP. The reason for this is that A=444Hz is faster than A=440Hz. So the transposed track should be one or two seconds shorter than the original un-transposed track originally recorded in A=440Hz..
This should give you the proof you need to persuade people that there is a BIG difference.
Ask them if they hear distressing static noise if they tune 1/10 of one Hertz off of any clear radio channel broadcast. You bet the do! Tell them the difference the 4 Hertz transposition makes is forty (40) times the difference they hear when they lose a clear channel broadcast. In other words, the “Standard Tuning” is 40-times more distressing to nature and biology than the 1/10 Hertz static you get when you lose your radio signal.
Tell them, if they want to enjoy, or make, “Medicinal Music” to follow your advice.
Thanks for sharing the “528LOVERevolution” with others.
Blessings in the Spirit of 528,
528 Fan 5:
Dear Dr. Horowitz and team at 528 records,
I just wanted to share with you that I have had amazing ease singing in 444hz=528hz and 432 hz frequency. Vocally it is a whole new world. I can’t believe how natural it feels, like I am singing for the first time, yet I have been a singer all my life!
So I wanted to share a beautiful Irish hymn with you that I recorded in 444hz = 528hz and I hope you enjoy it!
Feel free to share this song!
From what I have learned, the original Old Irish text, “Rop tú mo Baile,” known as “Be Thou My Vision,” was part of Irish monastic tradition for centuries and was written in Ireland by poet, Chief Ollam of Ireland whose name is Eochaid Mac Colla, also known as Saint Dallan Forgaill, C. 530 – 598 AD, 6th Century (501 to 600 AD). Mary E Byrne made a translation of the “Rop tú mo Baile” in the journal at the School of Irish Learning in 1905 and the English text was first versified by Eleanor Hull in 1912.
Also, there is the music itself. There is a very old Irish folk song named “Slane” which is about the Hill of Slane in Ireland, and “Be Thou My Vision” was set to this old Irish ¾ time folk tune.
Dallan was born approximately 97 years after Saint Patrick lit the Easter fire on Slane Hill in Ireland in 433 AD according to tradition. (Saint Patrick himself is known also as writing a beautiful prayer he used for divine protection at this time called The Deer’s Cry, or The Lorica of Saint Patrick, also known as Saint Patrick’s Breastplate).
Dallan also wrote the Amra Choluim and many other poems, eulogies, etc… There is much history on Dallan, also known as “the blind one” who, it is said, started to go blind from his dedicated work. If you look at the lyrics, this is a beautiful prayer of great depth, of a man asking God to “be his vision.”