528 in Science
And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder;
so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.
Isaiah 22:22; Rev. 3:6-8
Science and Metaphysics: 528 and Zero Point Theory
by Leonard G. Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH, DNM (hon.), DMM (hon.)
Your heart is connected to God’s heart resonating in waves of LOVE, at 528 cycles-per-second. If you need scientific evidence of this fact, keep reading. This truth will alter your view of everything.
Consider first a bar magnet’s magnetic field featuring North and South poles where electrons flow like water through the heart of the magnet and our planet.
Electrons are the universal energy carriers, each sourcing originally from the universal donor of electrons—hydrogen, element #1 in polarized water—H2O. This truth has been fundamental to the field of physics.
Show below is a diagram of electrons flowing from south to north poles. This knowledge is fundamental to the construction of 528-resonators, called “528 Orgone Generators” that are new technologies advanced for natural healing, highly effective in relieving aches and pains.
Zero Point Energy Theory and Metaphysical Reality
Theorists in astrophysics now argue that each electron holds at its core “zero point energy,” as does the universe at large.
Zero point energy is also called quantum vacuum zero-point energy, according to Wikipedia. “It is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical physical system may have; it is the energy of its ground state. All quantum mechanical systems undergo fluctuations even in their ground state and have an associated zero-point energy, a consequence of their wave-like nature. A related term is zero-point field, which is the lowest energy state of a particular field.
Zero point, like a black hole, is a place where there is no sound or light. This nothingness, issuing the essence of everything, exists at the heart of creation. Theoretically, it is the place wherein miraculous manifestation from nothing to something happens.
Based on the double toroid models of universal construction developed by mathematicians, there is a central axis that graphically resembles a black hole looking at the universe from top down or from bottom up.
I propose this physical reality to be related to metaphysical reality, and that the same laws of math govern both.
Thus, entering into this miracle zone of pure creative potential, either universal creation, or “creative consciousness,” puts you in the middle of a matrix of math that must be the “The Perfect Circle of Sound” I discovered in 1999 based on Dr. Joseph Puleo’s revelations of the original six Solfeggio scale frequencies published in Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse (1998).
This dynamic matrix math consists of nine core creative frequencies of sound that generates light; and directs or issues the fundamental laws of physics by which creation is administered lawfully, always, according to this “musical-mathematics” or “Divine Matrix.”
Pure God, or Divine Spirit (some say “Consciousness”), witnesses from this matrix vantage point the miraculous metaphysical manifestation of the double-toroid-shaped universe.
The cosmos is the ultimate spiritual to physical incarnation that is now theorized by experts in physics to be manifested at from Zero Point, or from the “event horizon” of a massive black hole.
As above, so below, and the figure eight (8) is an icon for this miraculous transformation. Numerologically, the “8” represents the Yin/Yang polarizing gravity of the double toroid universe, as well as Divinity.
This above and below duality, represented by the whole note above, and whole note below, the line across the central horizontal plane of the figure “8,” is like the double toroid shape you can see above and below the bar magnet image above. This design, operating mathematical like the spiraling Fibonacci series, generates the spin, or cycling, of the musical/mathematical matrix of universal construction and transformation that compels human evolution along with everything else that is constantly changing.
At the heart of the figure eight (8) is one sweet spot where the lines of spiraling energy cross. It is the Zero Point–a place where Yin/Yang polarity ceases. Charge fields of positive and negative are neutralized here. The energy sourcing from Zero Point theoretically flows in at least 36 dimensions.
The Zero Point, in theory, is where the holographic crystallization, miraculous manifestation, of reality for everyone, everywhere, happens simultaneously to serve a Divine destiny that sources from the Eternal Law, fundamentally matrix math, as a blueprint; quietly universally manifesting reality, most powerfully.
This Zero Point is also tied, like a string, to your heart and life’s calling — your personal primordial evolving program.
This best explains why some people feel they are on a mission, have a special “calling,” a life purpose, that is tugging on their heart strings.
People who resist their calling, or never fully express their gifts, experience a block of spiritual energy, reflecting a musical mathematical tug of war on these heart strings.
Your connection to God — ATONEMENT — is like a broadcasting channel beamed from God’s heart to yours, and back through your faithful prayer.
The Perfect Circle of Sound and 528Hz
“The Perfect Circle of Sound” is composed, as mentioned, of nine core creative frequencies, with 528Hz (cycles-per-second) playing a featured role.
Creation’s dynamic architecture is built on sacred geometry, particularly the circle with 360 degrees. Circles are the basis for measuring everything.
The spiraling revolving matrix math that sources our double-donut-shaped universe’s hologram is circular due to “The Perfect Circle of Sound.” This mathematical Law of the universe, that generates the laws of physics, manifests space and time.
The original Solfeggio musical scale comprises 2/3 of this “Perfect Circle of Sound” matrix, and plays 528Hz as its third note. This is diagrammed at the level of your heart in da Vinci’s most famous Vitruvian drawing shown on my bookcover below.
528Hz matches up with 528nm frequency of light according to some speculation and a ton of science. This coupling of sound and “inner light” activates what is best about your heart, filled with LOVE–the sacred mathematics securing four of your most valued attributes, or sought after human assets, including LOVE, faith, joy and bravery.
Musicologists call this 528Hz frequency tone “The Miracle Note,” “MI,” short for MIra-gestorum, in Latin, that translates into “MIracles” in English.
The botanical world certifies this splendid intelligence.
Simply look around you for prima facie evidence of this intelligence expressed in “intelligent design.” Grass is greenish-yellow because this pigment reflects the heart of the rainbow, 528nm, and best feeds your soul, through your eyes (the “windows of your soul”) the Zero Point energy of pure LOVE/528 — the creative potential also called “The Power of LOVE.”
Photos of nature display the humbling contribution that botany makes to sustain you, and heal you, by the grace and direction of God — Divine Source — administered by Her(His) natural mathematical Law.
In essence chlorophyll reflects pure LOVE, the heart of God, forever giving freely this gift of life in the air we breathe–528 frequency electro-energy–a blessing for healing.
For giving LOVE freely, forever giving, even in advance, like “paying it forward,” is hereby proven as God’s Way.
Chlorophyll is not “Crazy”
In The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE, I evidence and additionally explain why the 528 frequency was selected by chlorophyll’s sacred geometry and color, greenish-yellow. This includes the reasons Aristotle, Pythagoras, Vitruvius, da Vinci. and later Tesla, touted the special impact of the “crazy” number “8” within a special set of four numbers that were celebrated by ancient alchemists (and today, modern astrophysicists) as most important to the miraculous manifestation of creation–“the 3s, 6s, 9s and 8s.”
These numbers demonstrate extraordinary, even miraculous gravitational, or metaphysically attractive, influence. The sixes (6s), for instance, are believed to be the most powerful number for manifesting miracles. 528 reduces to a 6 by adding 5+2+8=15; whereas 1+5=6. Manifestation of wealth and power is the main reason the Rockefeller and Rothschild families had America’s Highway christened, “Route 66,” and the Anglo petroleum company is named “Phillips 66” (and not for reasons publicized by their propaganda).
X’s are 6s in the alpha-numerics of the English language, wherein A=1 through Z=26. This relates to earlier sacred languages, such as Hebrew, originally sung in the Torah Law using numbers communicating special meanings (e.g., the gematria).
“If humanity only knew the powers of the
3s, 6s, 9s [and 8s] it would be
a completely different universe.”
Nikola Tesla
LOVE/528 at the heart of the rainbow is what chlorophyll reflects and feeds you best to bring you into a state of Holy Spiritual Divine atonement.
The word atonement, or A-Tone-Me[a]nt references a musical note, that also spells “AT – ONE – MENT,” indicating that LOVE/528Hz generates optimal Divine-human communion.
As above, so below. As it is on the cosmic scale, or alternatively microscopically at the energy level of mono-atomic elements or your DNA, life is sustained through the transmission of electrons generating electromagnetic and bioacoustic potentials for light and sound signaling (i.e., photons and phonons), which is the most powerful force directing what I call “spiritual immunology” fueling immunological repair.
DNA is your blueprint for being here now, exercising your potential for growth and development on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. This occurs because DNA is like a spinning and resonating antennae, circularly functioning like an antenna to God. The DNA receives and transmits sounds and light, especially 528Hz/nm. This is why scientists have theorized that 528Hz “repairs damaged DNA.” Because the universe does this automatically according to Divine design based on the musical mathematical matrix of creation that functions similarly to restore everything and keep it in balance (i.e., homeostasis).
Every plan in God’s Kingdom of Heaven, like everything else, is administered HydroSonically–that is through Water that transmits “the Word” or Law.
Such creative acoustics in a universe manifesting musically/mathematically demonstrates the intelligent design I am discussing. This dynamic is based on the sacred geometric manifestations of hydro-sonic frequency vibrations called “creative cymatics” or simply “creationism.” That is, creation happens miraculously, and primarily due to the MIracle note of LOVE/528 (without which everything falls apart or degenerates). In other words, LOVE/528 is like the cement that holds everything together, as well as the zero point from which creation issues.
“As above, so below.” The creative potential of LOVE/528 in DNA is much like the manifestation of the cosmos that physicists theorize sources from Zero Point, where no poles or pulls of electron energy exist, or they are so balanced they don’t attract or repel anything, then suddenly this “nothing” manifests “everything” around you, including your physical body.
LOVE’s transformative and miraculous potential, like natural healing, is similarly independent, inexplicable, and self evident. For instance, you often go to bed feeling tired and weak, with sore muscles, but by morning, everything seems to be near normal again. The aches and pains disappear automatically, naturally, all mediated by electro-energy, reestablishing harmony within functioning physiology.
In other words, you can go from total darkness, reflected in optimal ignorance, out of touch with the provisions of God and power of prayer and faithfulness into the light of LOVE, some people call “Super Consciousness,” felt in your heart, unreachable through your head, and this “Divine energy” miraculously impacts your physical reality. This energy also generates joy and bravery–LOVE’s heart kin.
An iconic metaphor for this is seen by returning your attention to the infinity sign upright—the “crazy 8”—that reflects and represents (again) the double toroid universe with north and south poles or circles.
Curiously, and intentionally, the 8 ball in billiards epitomizes this primordial game of contrast or polarity. From the darkness, the black ball heralds a window of white bright light. The 8 at the center of this light, the number, is an icon for this fundamental dynamic of electromagnetism administering miraculous manifestation and polarity of energy between black and white, darkness and light, ignorance vs. consciousness, and “spiritual warfare” taking place on all levels—as above, so below.
528nm of light, the heart of the rainbow, must therefore source from the Zero Point and 528Hz sound at the heart of the universal figure 8 sacred geometry; which, for your edification, is the 3rd note in the original Solfeggio musical scale that plays lovingly to miraculously heal people when concert tuning is reset at A=444Hz. Numerous recording artists and performers are validating this claim worldwide.
Nature’s central “string” (in “string theory”), therefore, must be 528Hz or include and/or resonate: C=33Hz, 66Hz, 132Hz, 264Hz, 528Hz, 1056Hz, etc., because these are octaves of 528,
The “Sea of Green,” Oxygen, and Expected Miracles
The “Sea of Green,” representing “prosperity in all ways,” must also, therefore, resonate 528nm light, and 528Hz frequency of sound, and deliver this heart of optimal sustenance, including miraculous healing power to co-create physical reality anew.
The MIracle note of the original Solfeggio scale must generate, therefore, the optimal frequency for the production of electron-rich oxygen that is widely acknowledged for its healing power, as well as its benefit as a remedy against “global warming.” (I present this thesis online HERE.)
Electrons, being the exclusive carrier of energy universally, animates everything from the blink of your eye to comets flying through space. The concept of generating negatively-charged 528-resonating “LOVE electrons,” or “LOV-Es,” to manifest healing miracles is best explained by science in the specialty field called biophysics.
It might be recalled from studies in medical oxygenation, ozonation, and free-radical reduction, that chronic diseases share two most important causes—hypoxia and hyper-acidity. Pathology commonly exhibits too many positively charged acid radicals, and too few electron rich buffers—compounds (including hydroxyl and/or peroxide radicals) that neutralize acids, and acid attacks that are commonly associated with stress and disease states, are extinguished by more negatively-charged electrons.
People commonly experience the disappearance of aches, pains and chronic illnesses, and even bringing people “back from the dead” (i.e., resuscitating lives), “miraculously,” after applying treatments that provide oxygen and electrons to their bodies.
(I theorize that this best explains the miraculous healing power of the Holy Spirit.)
The 528 orgone generators (shown above and sold exclusively through 528 Revolution sponsor, CureShoppe.com, described best at 528OrgoneGenerators.com) apply this knowledge in healing practice whereby the “miraculous” disappearance of body aches and pains occurs repeatedly, dependably, fairly rapidly, safely, and effectively, especially when amplified using faithful prayer that entrains your heart to this healing frequency of loving intent.
The concept of a healing “miracle” is best explained (or demystified) by this science of 528 dynamics since electrons resonating from your heart, as occurs most powerfully during faithful prayer, transmits loving intention to help heal or be healed. This “spiritual technology” energetically administers these positive results.
This method of natural healing has been honored, and empirically proven valid, by every culture throughout history. Faith healing has proven itself to be powerfully therapeutic, nothing short of miraculous. In fact, this understanding of LOVE/528 resonance energy connecting your heart to God’s, best explains and legitimizes the spiritual discipline of healing through faithful prayer.
It is only in the modern “scientific” era that faith and prayer have taken a back seat to poisonous drugs as therapies. This is sick, really psycho-pathological, considering the irony that science began with Aristotle’s book called PHYSICS, that celebrated Philos—LOVE—as fundamental to scientific research and development.
Studies funded primarily by the drug cartel have attempted to debunk faith as a factor in miraculous healing, but have largely failed since it is virtually impossible to fool all of the people all of the time. Their messages represent scientific mischief, and are intended to discredit humanity’s most wonderful healing resource—the capacity to dependably produce, and routinely experience, healing miracles following faithful prayer, which is the most potent self-therapy, and this basic understanding of how energy operates within and around us.
The ideal healing instruments, therefore, are musical, and this important knowledge (awaiting your dissemination) encourages religious choirs to retune their voices and instruments to A=444Hz to increase the rates and numbers of healing miracles administered during musical services.
Human voices and hearts, joined during faithful musical healing services, resonate 528 most powerfully; and this is a prescription for miraculous transformation of our dysfunctional and degenerative health care systems.
Music therapy that sends electrons spinning remedially with LOVE, like those generated by the heart of faith healers and prayer partners, is easily administered most inexpensively and effectively through the superconductor of Water. In Israel, for example, Ahava528 researchers are conducting community healing ceremonies applying this prescription most successfully.
This also promotes unified communities and non-violence; and may even bridge the “species gap” between dolphins and humans.
The “hydrosonic resonance” of LOVE/528 generated musically, along with negatively charged units of greenish-yellow LOVE-lights generated by chlorophyll, enters acidically-diseased tissues, buffers the acids in human bodies, and restores beneficial oxygen levels, all in one wonderful, miraculous, faithful, fun, community activity.
This is a great example of how researchers and therapists worldwide are shattering the medical paradigm by advancing novel applications of 528Hz intelligence.
Endorphins, positive feeling and healing hormones, are also released during this pleasing practice, and this endocrinology motivates people to return to places of natural community healig for their periodic “fix.”
Summary and Conclusion
This article addresses Zero Point energy theory and recent revelations regarding 528 and the healing power of LOVE administered through faithful prayer and even musical events.
Zero Point is considered to be the place where miracles happen; where physical reality manifests from pure Holy Spirituality. This opportunity is optimally generated and transmitted musically/mathematically by using 528Hz frequency of sound, and 528nm of light, both resonating electrons that inspire natural healing.
This knowledge evidences that your heart is absolutely connected musically/mathematically to the heart of God’s heart, a Zero Point from whence miraculous manifestations and healings source.
This is how you can most powerfully and positively affect change in your own heart, life, and health. Making and spreading this knowledge and music touches human hearts everywhere, opening them to receive more of this free blessing.
This musical/mathematical technology presents humanity’s greatest hope for remedying the world’s worst problems.
The geopolitical and economic problems that conscious beings perceive and lament worldwide can now be cured using this knowledge and advancing 528 technology.
— end —
For more reading on this topic, see Bryan Pelletier’s timely article by CLICKING HERE.
More essays by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, many addressing 528 revelations, may be found at HealthyWorldSolutions.com
The author invites collaborations worldwide to join forces and voices to spread this good news about emerging remedies and technologies marketed by new companies, including 528Records.com, 528Radio.com, 528OrgoneGenerators.com, and more to come. . . .
This is the science, research, and developments fueling the 528 Revolution, and the huge opportunity made available to you by sharing this great news.
The author gratefully acknowledges the many researchers and scientists that helped to advance this thesis, including the late Dr. Fred Bell.
About the Author
Leonard G. Horowitz (DMD, MA, MPH, DNM (hon.), DMM (hon.) is an internationally known authority in public health, emerging diseases, and natural healing. He is an award-winning filmmaker and author of seventeen books, globally respected for his well-researched opposition to vaccinations as “genocidal weapons of mass destruction,” and his pioneering work prompting the “528LOVERevolution.”
The doctor’s latest book is The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE, and his latest documentary is PHARMAWHORES: The SHOWTIME Sting of Penn & Teller. His books, CDs, DVDs, natural healing products and equipment are available at CureShoppe.com. He offers partnerships through HealthyWorldAffiliates.com, and accredited self-study educational programs through HealthyWorldAmbassadors.com.
Dr. Horowitz’s presentations and publications have served as the impetus for numerous Hollywood productions; including the movie INCEPTION. In his books Walk on Water and LOVE the Real Da Vinci CODE, and his 2-hour DVD documentary, The LOVE CODE, Dr. Horowitz presents the musical-mathematics underlying the spiritual mechanics of creation further advanced in The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE. His “Perfect Circle of Sound™” revelations have been revolutionizing the music industry as well as water science.
Dr. Horowitz revealed that the 528Hz frequency of sound is the precious “LOVE tone” or “Spirit of Aloha.” This is, according to mounting evidence, the prophetically important “key to the House of David” mentioned in Isaiah 22:22 and Rev. 3:6-8.
Dr. Horowitz recently launched i528Tunes.com following his instructions to recording artists worldwide regarding this musical technology of Divine creativity. In this article, and elsewhere, he recommends instruments and voices be retuned to prompt miraculous healings for Peace on Earth.
In 2009, Dr. Horowitz seeded this concept by producing the international Concert for the Living Water, LIVE H2O, June 19-21, 2009.
Dr. Horowitz’s website is www.DrLenHorowitz.com.
528 in Science